Tantra for him and her

Tantra massage for couples

The way of Tantra is the way to awakening our inner nature. It is a spiritual path...

Alliance of the Feminine and Masculine sides in us while remaining connected with the Whole. It is a question of welcoming and honouring what simply exists with love…

Tantra is the art of living Love in one’s daily life and finding the paths of love in the couple through massage. Tantra leads you to unification of the feminine with the masculine. This initiation quite simply restores the fluidity in your couple. Journeying to the other side of oneself, together, in the fullness of the instant… that moment of grace. Exploring one another within the couple… discovering or rediscovering oneself

With this massage, we propose to demonstrate and portray Love differently in the presence of and fully aware of the other person’s body. You will learn how to become conscious of your sexuality, to give and receive consciously, to adopt a way of touching that is respectful, gentle, generous, sensual, enveloping and unifying.

It is not always easy to make the transition to Tantra massage together as couple. This is why Kalyana proposes three formulas:

  1. The couple and one female practitioner.
  2. The couple and two female practitioners.
  3. The couple with a male practitioner for the woman and a female practitioner for the man. We provide the Tantra massage on a futon using warm oils. It is a real Love treatment for the body and soul. Let yourself go, the fragrances will intoxicate you and forms lose their shape as your bodies are massaged, pleasure takes over!

Our bodies exist to be contemplated with modesty, respect and admiration!

Important note: Due to lack of knowledge, Tantra massage is often confused with erotic massage.

Please contact us to make an appointment for a him and her Tantra massage. All our massages are by appointment only.

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